Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I trust that everything happens for a reason, even when we're not wise enough to see it.

one mistake leads to disconnection; i begin to realize; my mind can not help but keep thinking about you; words flowing thru my mind; sensuality strikes in; curiosity never ends; intriguing questions continue; are you really into me? or are you just fooling around? playing a game? distance is always a killer; willing to submit myself to you; making commitment; thinking about plan; long way to go; no time to waste; stop the speculation; put words into action; back to such cliche; somehow just need a good reason why; just one good reason why.
you know darn well; i always do; i know; what is wrong with me; am i being too straight forward; do you hate me being myself; why did you do that to me; ignoring me; making me sad.

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