Sunday, April 5, 2009

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.

on your trip up north with your family;
i got a missed call from you;
you just want to let me know;
that you are passing by;
how i wish you let me know every single thing you do;
and instead;
you are just passing by;
merely passing by;
and that i want to let you know too:
love, i am missing you!

“别这样,你知道这样下去我们不会有结果”; “can we try again?”; “对不起,不可以”; “难道你不相信second chance?”; “我只是不想浪费你的时间, 因为你真的不是我喜欢的类型,真的”; “what goes around comes around”; 突然间我想what is that gotto do with anything; 我和他第一次见面毫无火花; 我不认识他; 他也不认识我; 好吧就算是我残酷地不给他再一次机会那么又证明了什么了呢?我是个坏人吗? 如果你就因为我拒绝了你的要求而一口认定我是某一种人; 对我来说你太太太肤浅了; 跟我做朋友- 你不配!

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