Monday, October 17, 2016

Everything alters me, but nothing changes me.

you arrived on the island for the trip; i was happy for you that you are together with all of them again; you still trying to tell me things; but i do not quite see the point; i am sharing my mundane life less; my sister visit; she made me a cake; sharing the cakes with my neighbors; how my weekend was; what movie i watched; how i have spent it quietly at home as how i normally would and how i will be able to still share it with you excitedly if we are talking to each other; the water filter; the more stuff i got for my home; working on assignment; i am feeling it; i am seeing it in front of my eyes; the times that you said you miss me you love me; last year how we met; how we celebrated my birthday; the presents you gave me; all of it is fading away; scary but it's true; eventually it will so i would rather it happens now; wouldn't you?

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