Saturday, March 26, 2016

One can never ask anyone to change a feeling.

A final week to say goodbye; your colleagues; your mates; your family outing; nonetheless you found the time and excuse to squeeze me in; went to a place with much greenery; a mini krabi trip; enjoyed it very much as before; couldn't figure out a reason to get rid of you; as much as i want to try; you have planned out all the trip until August; leaving for real; can't believe it; comparison still going; u like the small me; bathtub; pool; little swim; room service; always music on; jazz; that what we first listened to; the hesitation; hang out buddy; fish and chip; salad; blind fold; tie up; wooden puzzle, the little game; the luck that we had; the time that we able to make; the mark that you leave; i love every single bit of it; i will never get sick of you; i want you to tell me that a thousand and million times; we made love again again and again; cant get enough of you; supposedly watch a movie, you watched half of it in my house; laying down; soft kissing on the sofa; u sleep over; light snoring; watching you sleep; lousy coffee; you picked a heart; it says movie; we said we will do it again with no distraction; we shake hand; we promised; maybe this is the way we are for another ten years; i hope you remember it; i do not have another ten years anymore; anymore.

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