Tuesday, June 20, 2017

The scariest thing about distance is that you don’t know whether they’ll miss you or forget you.

we talked about the technology stuff one cant live without;
then we are onto hypothetical question: if you are on an island, what 5 things would you bring?
it all comes back to basic necessity in life in the end;
we do not need more;
we need only little things to be happy;
come to think about it;
you still remember that April;
where i surprise you and it remains this piece of good  memory;
me too; you stumble in the lift; blindfolded; door was lock; you waited patiently until i came up again; cakes; candle; perfume; Starbucks; a movie; end with a beautiful lake side dinner; i was crying on the way back in a cab;
one bad one luckily has not spoiled it yet;
you fantasize how you would want me to dress;
how a group sensual environment turn you on;
the ambient;
i still drilling on the idea you are not mind;
i will never get one hundred percent of your attention;
i need to re-work on the strategy;
by not giving you what you want;
but getting what i want instead.

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