Saturday, November 16, 2013

The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible -- and achieve it, generation after generation.

i know you for 7 years; this is the first time you ask me about my ex; 如果过了其实再说什么都没意思了;毕竟你们相爱那么多年了;life happens i guess; you cant blame it on life; every decision you made you made it yourself; no one is prepared for that kind of stuff; they just have to do it; i was telling you about myself; i was prepared to do everything to solve it; even made the most stupid decision in my life believe that it could changed things; he didn't know what he missing out; it's pointless now really; but with you two i see two selfish useless prick with a lot of excuses; you guys could've done much much more; so much more; but i do not want to judge because i really don't know about you both to say; but to tell you the truth, even with you i was ready; so so ready.

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