Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Real love is a permanently self-enlarging experience.

all i want to do every night;
after work;
it's just to have you beside me;
even without talking;
to spend some time with me;
and all we do its argue;
to you, you are defending your point;
rich, poor, what does it matter;
and u dislike the fact that im talking behind people back;
and u dislike the idea that i fight for food with the poor;
you havent the slightest idea what is on my mind;
maybe your friend doesnt need you to pity them;
by being a rich guy;
pays the bill everytime;
i understand you good will;
but i disagree with your point of view;
i cried again;
why is it so hard;
this is never the way i thought it would be;
be patient;
i tell myself;
one day i hope you will understand;
one day.

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