Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Worry is a misuse of imagination.

"stop flattering yourself"; "no, i meant to compliment you"; "me? what about me?"; "why is it so hard for you to believe what i say?"; "you dont sound convincing enough"; "remember that night? i miss it, i miss your cute little face that night at that bar"; she was talking to her friends, cant stop her laugh and giggle, she gave him a quick glance and winked at him before getting another drink; he stood there like a total fool without knowing how to react; before the night ends; he walked over to her, grabbed her hand and pulled her out from the crowd; outside on the quiet street; he told her - "i love you" and then he just walked off; he knew so well what he gotten himself into and this is just the beginning........

你总有办法让我安静下来; 我俩总是礼貌地客气地对待彼此;深怕如果越过了那条无形的线就再也无法回头似的; 但我们现在又算是一种什么样的关系呢?你和我都说不出一个所以然; 是爱吗?是情吗? 认真想想又并不止于此; 可就是狠不下心把你随便带过; 那么就让我们继续任性地逗留在那条无形的线吧,好吗?

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