Thursday, March 12, 2009

Happiness is essentially a state of going somewhere, wholeheartedly, one-directionally, without regret or reservation.

"Should I recount my own troubles to commiserate, or just listen?"; 在忙着整理一些文件口中却念念有词地重复着这一句话; 电话响了; “我在想你”; 我知道你正在尝试中但我感觉不出来你的努力, 过程里你想学着慢慢地去关心我起来,贪婪的我想要的却是更多; “i am alright - sometimes miss the fact that i cant go back to you at the end of the day”; “我怎么能欺骗自己说距离不是一个问题呢? ”; “你不能所以你要相信我,好吗?”; “我在忙, 这些事能迟些再说吗?”; 我按下停止通话的键; 对你的询问我迟疑了,我从来没有要逃避过什么但是在似乎对你十分关键的这一刻我犹豫了起来, 有很多事真的是没有想象中那么难的,我不明白是什么原因你总是没有办法说服我相信你说的话、许的诺; 可能这不是你或者我的问题; 我在想可能根本没有问题, 那么......."Should I recount my own troubles to commiserate, or just listen?".

"oh hey, thank you so much for your help", i heard you say;
thought of you stops running in my mind;
it just doesnt seem necesary anymore;
no explaination needed;
im never someone that brags about things and ask for attention;
i dont want to get in front of the stage;
i just want to stick with what im doing and stay behind the limelight;
hence your appreciation was fakely accepted;
thought of you stops running in my mind.

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