Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.

planning visit;
promise to see each other once a month;
hoping you will keep it;
guess you will not due to your busy schedule;
what else can i say?
about commitment, do you really care?
i want to make it happen;
you're the one that said you want this badly;
might not be as bad as i want;
im the one who end up putting in all the effort;
im wondering why and what is that suppose to mean;
that am i really into you;
or you just actually care for it less.

接到你的来电; 邀约我前往你这个星期五的演出; 是应该去的因为是时候弥补之前的过失了; 很高兴有这样的机会; 电话中你有一点不自然; “可以和朋友一起来噢”; 可能你不想我误以为这是一个对我特别的邀请; 但是我不想很任何人一起去看你,所以只会一个人来; 有一些事还是不让人知道的好; “我应该不能够在星期五之前抽到时间见见你”; 我有说过要见你吗? “到时候我也应该不得空应酬你哦,我给你买两杯啤酒,ok?”; 我有说过要你应酬吗? 你很习惯先把话说在前头; 没有错,是可能会比较好; 但真的有必要吗? 是你多心了吧? 因为我真的是没有什么所谓的, 你也不用太在意啦,好吗?

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