Monday, February 2, 2009

Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say and not giving a damn.

talk to you last nite;
feel relax and comfortable;
that im really talking to you;
for the very first time;
i like this feeling;
sometimes you just have to put yourself aside;
still you remind me of a lot of things;
some feelings;
not going away easily;
let's go somewhere together;
let's plan something, you say;
i feel happy just knowing that you have such idea;
thats all i need.

两位喝什么?latte; expresso; 侍应生送上饮料; 两个人喝着两杯没有糖的咖啡;没有人潮; 空气中充满了孤单的气味; 爵士音乐在咖啡馆里播放着; 突然间; "你和他还有联络吗?"; 你为什么突然间关心我起来了; "没有,没有联络了"; 其实我们还是在有的没有的时常传短讯; "真的?"; "嗯,真的"; 我不知道我为什么要骗你,但又没有觉得我做得不对, 不是已经说好了吗,说好了你不要再管我的,如果我告诉你我开始有一点儿想念他了;如果我告诉你我好像爱上他了,又会怎样了呢,是你先放弃我的,你不记得了吗?那时候哭着的我你一点都不心疼,所以你现在也不用开始,因为你已经太迟了;太迟了。

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