The thing is are you even sure that you are ready to build a home, with someone, you are materially ready, but are you mentally, physically and mentally, because there such erratic behavior that is unreasonable. It drives people away.
with your life, are you ready to change? Am I ready to change? that's a big question.
My clinginess, my intrusiveness can you treat it as a way of admiration? Because this will not only be your life, not anymore.
Our conversation in the evening makes me think long and hard about what I want in life and what do I want to do with my life.
I can move in right away, get married, start a life, get what I always been wanted, but is this the way I exactly visualize it to be, maybe not, but I'm getting there right? That's an act of unfairness and irresponsible in it still, I can't helped but think. 我们总要为我们的行为决定负上责任啊!
But a feeling of certainties never occur, there will be time when I am kind of sure but much more time I actually didn't feel that way. Every time seeing you only makes me want to see you again and to know you more, to find out more.
What am I trying to achieve? To be humiliated? To be abandoned? To be made fun of? I still don't know what I like about you, but you are not driving me away at this point, not yet. I want to find out more, I'm still intrigue.
其实你想要我告诉你什么呢?这个周末我们在一起度过了,我们的对话决定都是于人无由的,我没有后悔只是觉得我一直在原地踏步,你说要为自己而活但那并不表示你不需要去照顾他人的感受,不是吗?be yourself. 谈何容易呐。
我想告诉你, 你不能不知道的是;就算我们没有彼此我们也还是会好好的,这是你也其实已经知道的。