Friday, March 21, 2014

Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed.

I know u r 48, nothing interests you much anymore, but it will be more disheartening to know this few weeks, you don't actually enjoyed yourself at all even just a little bit when we were together.

I actually wanted to ask you to go somewhere with me, but you asked me about my birthday first and I told you about Italy and it blew the whole thing out of proportion.

Our conversation never lead us to anywhere, sure you notice, while I understand your frustration, I have mine, I do whatever I can to at least stay wee bit positive if not 100%. But it does get old coz one can only do so much and try that many times before they give up.

The idea of what is there left for us to build is a question really you want to ask yourself first if you are ready to build that something, with that someone. I definitely not that someone, at least I don't feel like I am, plus it's a question too early to ask even if I am.

In retrospect, we probably married and having kid now if we met last year, but what is the point in saying that when that didn't and never will happen?

Seize the day is all I do now, William, your mind is hard for me to grasp. yes eventually it will get old, again it's a mutual understandable choice if we walk away from it, I'm repeating myself with the yes or no thing, but if it needed to be done then it needed to be done, I don't intend to force the black and white thing in, while I'm stop asking the question what we could be and that I just want to know you, our conversation inevitably forces the yes or no question to surface every time.


One must have the adventurous daring to accept oneself as a bundle of
possibilities and undertake the most interesting game in the world --
making the most of one's best.

-- Harry Emerson Fosdick (1878-1969) American Protestant Ministe

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