Sunday, March 23, 2014

The grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love and something to hope for.

Live life in a bleak hole........Is the invitation open to all? That sounds like a club that I should recommend to someone I hate.

no sane person who wants to live a life would take that as either a challenge or an invitation, I surely decline. My life is not perfect but I don't want to be doomed.

Im not here to help you, pls remember that. You gotto help yourself first or nothing will move. Be honest and think for a moment, are you really ready to get involved with someone else and bring a new life to this world with full responsibility when you can barely even get your own shit together? (sorry to be blunt)

I am not here to criticize, but to get the fuck on by asking the right question and to address it honestly is so crucial right here right now.

Otherwise, I fully support you, you are right, you will just live in your own hole, for the rest of your life that looks very bleak.

Life is how you make of it William, it's your own choice to live in a hole, to be happy or damn sad for how ever long of a life that you may have left in front of you. Nobody can help you be happy if you don't start it.

Do you think you can self invite to happiness? I heard the membership is free for life. You just need to grab it now whenever you are ready.

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