Tuesday, May 15, 2018

It is a frightening thought, that in one fraction of a moment you can fall in the kind of love that takes a lifetime to get over.

i want you to see thru my insecurity; bloody hell; i even want myself to see thru that; you are as rigid as you are; we are not supposed to see each other tonight; if it was not because i mention that i want to go over to your house because of the guest; i miss my privacy; that is not the point; you won't have asked me to come as well to the gathering; i feel wee bit of sadness and clingy-ness; i do not want you to think i can only stick with you; my insecurity tells me you do not want me there; head and heart tell me different thing; i can't let the unreasonable win; let's put up some new clothes and change. 

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