Thursday, March 1, 2018

I am that clumsy human, always loving, loving, loving. And loving. And never leaving.

i gave it to you too; you realize; i feel bad; eventually the feeling goes away; because there is not much i can do; you step in the hospital; being with me there; made a small difference; alongside me waiting in the hospital; although just a short time; making sure i am ok; long processes; tedious paper work; we had breakfast; coffee; then after settle; we had lunch; a fancy nice little Thai place; the feeling lingers on; every time when i get to spend time with you; miss you before you are gone; want to hold you kiss you touch you; the feeling of missing you; goes way beyond; goes on and on; fear to tell you; for this feeling may burden you on your heavy shoulder; i step away; always a few steps back; just to show you; i am still strong; although deep down i am weak; always am weak. 

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