we confirmed on the time; in the end you wanted me to cook for you; i thought ok, why not; let's make this slightly special; i can not believe we have known each other for so long; and yet the urge of feeling you; be close to you still has not subsided; we talked more about life; about you; her; the eventual acceptance when it comes to choices because that is the only thing to do; your new screen play; your friends; your family; the pasta was overcooked; not much sauce; but you y dont mind it; i know something more about you; what you do not eat; the decision in drinking that sparkling wine; which you thought i bought it for you; again you long-windedly babble on about human being; that you despise them; yet you still living; yet you still working; writing; that we can solve each other's problem; that for as long as we know each other; we still have baggage that each one of us must solve by ourselves; i bought you cake; birthday present; you were happy and please about today; on your birthday; happy that we spent time together and did what we did; we slow danced to "my little valentine"; i am still pretty sure on the fact that we will not make it if we do this for the long run; i never did and never would with anyone; because it is only in my dream everything will falls into place perfectly and yet i am living in a reality; let's get wounded and face the realities; together; i will be fine; as long as we know we will be together.
Ideals are dangerous things. Realities are better. They wound, but they are better.
-- Oscar Wilde
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