Monday, April 11, 2016

If you don’t turn your life into a story, you just become a part of someone else’s story.

Honestly i dont think i can tell you where i am right now?
Will you think im out of my mind?
I never even call you once the whole time simply because i know you need some time alone.
Can i tell you out loud that i miss you and i miss all the time we spent together?
Will you forgive in being so weak and useless?
Can you stand me if i say to you:" all you need to do is just say the word and i will straight away drive down there to see you without any hesitation? "
Can you stand me that way.
Love those who drives four hour just to see you for one. Love those. 
I don't know if i deserve that kind of love.  All i know now is the more time we get to spend together the more i have feelings for you.
I love you, in my own tiny little way.

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