Friday, September 19, 2014

You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand.

I left early from work, 2 hour early last Friday, just to please you. You specifically ask me to, get off at 4pm, reach between 6pm-7pm, precisely. It takes a bit too long due to rush hour traffic, you even thought I might stop somewhere to have a coffee so that I will reach you right in time, and that I didn't actually get off at four. you don't even call, playing guessing game. I reached at the time you wanted me to, you seem delighted and pleased. I thought I haven't been really listening to you so this time I should. I really want to see you, be with you.

The idea of you slowly in my life, that confirmation freaks me out and that no one actually care enough to stay touches me the most, even you said so. You said you really like me and care about me, you even put a lot of contacts behind, casual one, starting to tell you friend about me in a nice way generally. 

Still we had argument, coz you don't tell me a lot and it seems like you are using me, I'm upset. We walked by the beach, I start to care for you too much and too hard.

I have no say about some choices you made in your past, I feel unfair, I mind, there's nothing I can do about it but somehow give in because I want you here and now, to start to build our moment together, the things that only belong to us and no one else.

I am selfish, I have to admit. From now on, I kinda promise myself to worry less and not give you a hard time anymore, anymore. 

I love you. I begin to.

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