Thursday, June 19, 2014

Most of us can, if we choose, make this world either a prison or a palace.

"If you have someone that you think is the one... don't just sort of think in your ordinary mind and think, OK let's make a date, let's plan this and make a party, we'll get married. Take that person and travel around the world. Buy a plane ticket for the two of you to travel all around the world and go to places that are hard to go to and hard to get out of. And if when you come back to JFK, when you land in JFK, and you're still in love with that person, get married at the airport." -- Bill Murray

我又收到一封你写的很长的信;说着你对世界的灰暗;还是一样的想法四十八年来的想法;母亲的去世看来完全没有为你带来解脱;反而得来的是更多的疑问;这世界上再也没有人理会你的存在;to verify and approve you; allow you to prove that you are worthwhile; now you simply become worthless; 我不能对你说什么去改变你的想法;我只能告诉你我对你的感觉;我不期望你对任何我说的话会有所感动;because you always do not care and you always act as you are feelingless, emotionless and heartless; 你时常问我能为我做什么我要的是什么;但是我只是想要你做回你自己;应该去问问你自己到底可以为你自己做什么;你也问我看好我们之间吗?will we work? will us work? 我回答你是可以的;我蛮肯定;因为我很喜欢你;but; yes there's always a but; BUT it will work only if you want this as bad as i do and only that. 如果我们真的必须去旅行穿越千山万水来证明我们之间这一段感情的存在;我想要告诉你的事我已经为了你做好了百分百的准备,而你呢?

Are you ready?

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