Friday, April 30, 2010

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Absence diminishes commonplace passions and enhances great ones

im getting out again in my own way;
to find and to settle;
i know its tough but i have to do it.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment

and one thing that scares me the most is that you finally see thru me and that im just this shallow person that you find you have no interest in me whatsoever; for someone so deep you really require someone that equivalent to be inside your world and i know this person will never ever be me; never.

Though I am not naturally honest, I am so sometimes by chance

21042010; 14.37; 你还是你;我还是我;就快要离开啦;又再一次; 一个月的时间;工作好忙哦;yep, that's the rest of your year, huh? 但为什么还要说一起去旅行呢;为什么还要说这么多让我有所期待的话呢;but you know what the worst thing is.......更加毫无理由的是无论你对我说什么做什么我都不会对你生气;就算在很久很久的以后你终于和你那位在你心中地位永远不移的爱人在一起的时候我就算看着你们亲热拉手接吻拥抱我都知道我并不会介意;因为只要看到你幸福快乐其实就已经很够很够了; 然后我会觉得这一切都是值得的;值得的; 当你深爱一个人的时候就应该是这样的。 order that a man may be happy, it is necessary that he should not only be capable of his work, but a good judge of his work


“could you imagine how horrible things would be if we always told others how we felt? life would be intolerably bearable.”

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice

im sorry i cant be your little one.

Of all forms of caution, caution in love is perhaps the most fatal to true happiness

it didnt work out;
well, you still have me.

but it's obvious we dont get along with each other;
we will only fight and breathing down each other's neck all the time;
i dont want that.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

But in the end one needs more courage to live than to kill himself

if he is someone that makes you change for the better;
then he is the one.

and i quote from a friend's friend: [wish]
所谓爱人就是能够在你身上找到你其实并没有的优 点的人。

Everything you can imagine is real

原来我的人生那么失败;那些所有我曾经以为的所谓真理;不消片刻就统统烟消云散彻底瓦解掉;昨天还在说着我爱你这一秒就已经如此讨厌对方了;我一直是有过度自我压抑神经系统过分紧张的人;the more you push me the more i will close myself up; 三十二年了我就是这样长大的;我不是不想要改变;但我不知道怎样去改变;我以为你是那个可以拯救我的人;原来你也只不过是在隔岸观火;你想别人事事如你所愿;但那不真实吧;你以为我很好过吗? 我也不好过啊;常常这样和充满矛盾以及不知所措的自己挣扎;我解释了这么多次了然而你还是认为我在玩耍这说明你对我的了解是如此的肤浅;而且你没有让我看见你在真正的用心;而那边厢的你或许也是看我如此;以为我在闹着玩完全没有对你付与真感情;但是我们才在一起多久呢?为什么要这样快下定论呢?为什么?人不要那么断言啊;还是留些余地吧;有朝一日好相见哪;不是吗?但或许你已经没有时间能耐容忍而我却是刚刚必须是要你给与我时间耐心容忍的人;我们没有辜负彼此;只是我们走的路各不相同;我还是希望你快乐;就算我知道我有可能从此以后会是一个人; 我会好好的一个人;一个人。

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Fate chooses your relations, you choose your friends

is there a man?
coz i know you and more than that i feel you;

Monday, April 19, 2010

If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can transform one million realities

因为你这样做足以证明你其实也是觉得很不安全的;你也很害怕受伤害;what if later on we find out we actually dont like each other and we want a break; if you sleep with me tonight; i dont want to hurt you; then why dont we just stay away from each other; walk out from each other's life if you thik this is the best for both of us; i just want to ask you one thing: do you want to see me tonight? do you? this is just a yes or no answer...........and finally do you know what did you say? you said yes; and regardless on how unsafe and insecure you are feeling right now; but when you are with me; you actually feeling more real than ever; coz i can see it in your eyes and mine that we have deeply fall for each other; the truth of the matter is; are you really a more romantic person than me? or do i think you actually fall for me more than me? is that important? or is only you that think this is important?

The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which to burn

我不要浪费时间去追究究竟是谁爱谁比较多这个蠢问题;应该用什么方程式去计算呢?但如果能够有一个答案不会显得人类太算计吗?人生在世短短数十年这么计较干吗呢?不应该什么事情都有答案的; 何必这样有机心呢?

No one can build his security upon the nobleness of another person

我取笑你;你应该把我看透的;那么你就知道你其实也不怎么喜欢我;那么我们就不必开始了;但我第一眼看见你就喜欢你了; 而且越来越喜欢你;很多事情都说不准呐你叫我怎样解释呢;我清楚知道我已经不能置身事外了;每见你一次就更加加深了我对你的爱念;虽然我们一见面就斗嘴到一个程度;但这却一次又一次地增加了我对你的好感;我和你in a way same, but different; 有很多想法其实我们都一样;但也不一样;东西方永远是不能对立的;这也是我现今阶段唯一能确定的;我问着你;但你也不能肯定呀;你说要将话说出来;但是有时候话说太快了有什么好呢;还是留一些余地吧;我想是应该给任何事转弯的机会的;因为如果像你坦荡荡地;你也终究会按捺不住会在事后一直问我连你自己也觉得愚蠢的问题呀? 我会不会和你走下去呢? 我们走下去会怎样呢? 我们现在问这些问题谁能回答呢? 你爱不爱我呢?我爱你但是...为什么每一次都有但是呢?为什么想这么多呢?就在一起吧; 只要在一起就应该什么都不会可怕啦;.......如果每一次的答案里都有但是在里头终究会累吧; 放轻松吧我很顽固而且我对你很坚持;我知道我会一直这样下去的;you are in my life and i wont get rid of you until you want to get rid of me; 你要记住我不是在分次序的先后恐怕你会将分手的话说在前面而应该截着你将话先说明白;this is not my intention at all; 真正的原因其实很简单就是因为我要和你在一起;就真的是因为这样而已;所以请不要不要多疑; 没有人能够强迫我做我不想做的事。


The last temptation is the greatest treason: to do the right deed for the wrong reason

at this point;
i really dont want to think too much;
i like you;
i want to be with you;
lemme be now and in time;
you will find out and realise;
that i really love you.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The most profound statements are often said in silence


Saturday, April 17, 2010

this is something for you....

to you,

i have to attend to us with extra care. if being straightforward and honest mean we are going to tell each other in the face everything and anything which means we also (at least to me) have to accept the fact that all the things we say might or might not be hurtful in a way coz undeniably truth hurts, and thats the truth.

i dont deny that all the thing you mention i said is all true, but you have to understand also, i believe that there will be time when we will be able to see thru all that point and admire each other in a way we never did before.

i never know to love and like someone has to be in such precise measurement because i guess i never need to explain love before. i also dont know to love and like someone is to compare what i have and what you dont have, for example, if your dislike list is longer that the like list, why do you still like me? how sure are you the like list will not become longer, maybe you are a person that trust hunches/ instinct very much. so now you like to be with me but that doesn't mean shit, like i say you might eventually hate me after finding a lot more about me. it's only time unless you try to accommodate and find ways to really accept me for who i am.

so now, in this case, you put up a list of likes and dislikes, then you think because the dislikes are longer than the likes, that show i have no reason to like you or have no reason to start a relationship, because i dont say "oh you know, deep down i am really a loving, caring person, every single minute i just want to love, hug and kiss........" and because i make mostly generic statement of you and me, you take that as not a solid reason to start a relationship. but to start a relationship can base on a lot of things and with all that ive mentioned you doubt that i want to start a serious relationship and i dont have enough reasons to like you to begin with. you cant just assume things.

i might not do and say certain things but that doesn't mean that i am not that kind of person. all i ask from you ever since the beginning is time and patience to allow us to know each other better, instead of analysis everything (but now i found out that actually who you are and unfortunately i cant change that, which is fine too)

all actions have it reasons, having doubt in getting physical with you doesn't mean i dont like you, and now i said i dont desire you doesn't mean i wont, to put it bluntly, you are not someone i just want to fool around with. it must be more than that and to me, you are more than that.

if you are a man only starts a relationship based on love, passion, strong feeling and all fine, coz again i say, thats you.

then again, not everything is about you, if you are going to start something with someone, you have to start thinking about the other person and you might question am i starting to think about you, or else how come i still really coy about my answer to you, unsure and not straightforward as you might put it.

in your case, im sure you are not a self conscious, defensive and insecure person, but i cant help but feel sometimes you are. i might be wrong.

for whatever it is, the more i see you the more i know i want to start my life with you, you make me want to try and you make me want to be a better person.....and i just want my life with you to start, right now.

Friday, April 16, 2010

We are each responsible for our own life - no other person is or even can be

in the end, im a lost child that i never realise i am and here i am just want to tell you, for all the things ive missed out all these years, today suddenly i just want to make it up to you by saying it all, here, now.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Everybody believes in something and everybody, by virtue of the fact that they believe in something, use that something to support their own existence

i think i finally found someone that is willing to take my shit and sort out my life for me;
even though i can somewhat see this is going to take a long while to get to the point.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A man may be so much of everything that he is nothing of anything

you know eventually we will get here;
he makes me want to be a better person;
but you didnt.

Friday, April 9, 2010

When you reach the end of your life, do you want to be one of the people who are glad they did, or one of the people who wish they had?

But when the strong were too weak to hurt the weak, the weak had to be strong enough to leave.

Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die

sometimes horoscope freaks me out, even if it's just a generic one.

Your horoscope for April 9, 2010
Loving someone, YP, is no guarantee that one day that person won't leave. There is no choice in the matter. You must give your love freely, and without strings attached. If you go toward people always asking for guarantees or protection, you will make them feel that you don't trust them. In turn, they won't trust you. It's a vicious cycle, and the only way out is through giving your heart unconditionally.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Only the shallow know themselves


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Language is the source of misunderstandings

我一向以来就不是那个主动的人;尤其是和你;06042010;17.25;你很喜欢和我在一起;我看得出来;但你也害怕受伤害;甚至比我更甚;我和你分享比以往多了;你知道吗?我也觉得害怕;我害怕让你更了解我;然后我会舍不得离开;而我更害怕的是; 有一天我必须向你坦白一个你可能没有办法接受的事实;因为我知道终究会有那么一天我会沿着我所向往的未来越走越靠近;而你并不会出现在我的未来蓝图里;因为我们一直以来都是反着彼此的方向而行;我被困在一个不想要伤害你和很想要保护你的矛盾困境当中;我发觉年龄并不会让你特别坚强它反而会让你留下更深的创伤倒地不起;我希望这是我想得太多所徒然而生的多余顾虑而已;我希望你会若无其事地去接受我告诉你的真相然后不为所动地去继续你一直以来的生活;但是我知道我必须坚强起来;我记得你说过无论多难走的路;只要你下定了决心开始第一步接下来的就不会很难了;不要哭;我也要记得不要哭;you are a great person.

You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm

For his part, Levine says he tries not to sweat the credibility issue. “I do think it’s important to be taken seriously,” he allows. “But at the same time, you can’t jump through hoops for that kind of stuff. And at the end of the day you can’t take yourself too seriously. The more I learn about people and about our career and about life in general, I’ve realized that the less seriously you take yourself, the more seriously you’ll be taken.” “And the happier you’ll be,” Carmichael adds.

You just have to be who you are and hope that people like it,” Levine continues. “And if they don’t, then screw ’em.”
yes, like totally!!!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The best way to compile inaccurate information that no one wants is to make it up

三年后的今天;让我明白;认识你其实是为了让我对下一次的恋爱有所准备;我感激你一直的小心翼翼,疼惜和怜爱;我想要做的是走向你拉着你的手轻声地对你说我已经储存好了所有的力量和勇气再去爱了;你会笑笑给我一个最用力的拥抱和祝福; 我希望你快乐最快乐很快乐真的快乐;就算我们没有再像以往一样在一起;但我还是会一样爱你;我没有放手因为你和我之间我最放不开的是想象有一天我们从此消失在彼此的生活里; 而我直到现在才突然明白和发现不能放手的; 没有能力去放开的;原来一直是你 。

Monday, April 5, 2010

I despise the pleasure of pleasing people that I despise

05042010; 14.44; whatever reappear doesn't seem to be real; am i feeling anew or just the way i am suppose to feel? not really excited, perhaps.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Don't worry about people stealing an idea. If it's original, you will have to ram it down their throats

1. one with deep thoughts; a past; making points and conversations.

2. one that will eventually move away.

3. one back from afar, feeling unsure and nervous.

4. one who is young and full of fun.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Love is an exploding cigar we willingly smoke

叫太易动情 但我喜欢这罪名
惊天动地 只可惜天地亦无情
不敢有风 不敢有声
飞天遁地 贪一刻的乐极忘形
好想说谎 不眨眼睛
难再有发展 但我想跟你乱缠
惊天动地 只可惜天地亦无情
不敢有风 不敢有声
飞天遁地 贪一刻的乐极忘形
好想说谎 不眨眼睛
不想说明 只想反应

Thursday, April 1, 2010

It's time to start living the life you've imagined

01042010- 21.41- 1 missed call; he misses me and likewise; i never thought he cares; dont go missing on me again; i miss you too, love. good night.

We know truth, not only by reason, but also by the heart
