Sunday, June 7, 2009

Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.

你问: "when is your next holiday?"; 是不是代表着什么呢? 你是在暗示着什么吗? 想和我去什么地方吗? 我就是这样; 遇到难过挫折拒绝;哪怕只是一次我就再也不会重犯; 我讨厌被“say no”的感觉; 我就是这样一个如此撒野的小孩; 怎样也不想错; 我宁愿不; 而你一次又一次的有意无意中让我藏有一丝丝的希望; 而我习以为常地将这一些小小的蛛丝马迹收起来不让它们滚成一个大雪球; 我还有自知之命还知道自己unqualified; 难过的自己知道就好; 你称赞我是一个勇敢的女孩应该出去看一看这一个世界、闯一闯; 但毕竟我也只是一个女孩; 只是想要体验和一个人在一起相依偎、彼此互相扶持的感觉; 怎么都这么难; 如果你给我足够的时间认真地去了解我; 你会发现我其实真的并不复杂; 我只是想对你很好很好很好; 就真的是这样;就够了。

i know lots of things have been bugging u lately and it's just easy to say :"oh yea, that's life"; to just move on; but life is not alwaz that easy; it's not suppose to be easy; it's not just that; i dunno, i don't want u to feel unhappy; that's all; i dont know what other way there is to bring you up; if being with u will fix it; i will be with you for always.

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