Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sometimes we do a thing in order to find out the reason for it. Sometimes our actions are questions not answers

55秒; 290609; 1453; 你说你就在我办公室楼下; 只是短短两分钟的时间; 我说我就来; 你问我在那儿; 我说我就来; 你说不打紧你只是来拿一些文件; 我说我就来; 后来你已经离开; 你在三楼乘电梯到大厅的时候我从二楼跑楼梯下来; 你是不想见到我还是不想让你的同事见到我虽然我其实很想见到你; 我一直在说我就来但你就是不明白。

Sunday, June 28, 2009

There is only one real failure in life that is possible, and that is, not to be true to the best one knows.

sitting under the light; watching the cigarette smoke lingers; everything is so quiet; "why dont u find someone?"; "i dont need someone"; "u lying, of course u do, everyone needs someone"; "i dont know how the someone i need looks like"; "tell me"; "what?"; "tell me anyway, describe it to me"; i feel nervous and let out a very light breathe; "i know deep down inside u do, u just dont want to tell me"; a strong yet beautiful soul, someone who is in control and gives me a piece of mind, that's someone is u; how can i tell u: u r the one i need when all i can think of is in the end how i'd let u down.

I believe that one of life's greatest risks is never daring to risk

first date;
7 hours;
real laughter;
real tears;
real joy.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Life is a great big canvas; throw all the paint on it you can.

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in the persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.
-- Beatrice Vincent

I think people that have a brother or sister don't realize how lucky they are. Sure, they fight a lot, but to know that there's always somebody there, somebody that's family.
-- Trey Parker and Matt Stone, South Park, Cat Orgy, 1999

Friday, June 26, 2009

The more things change, the more they remain... insane

so what do you wanna do?
well, i can finish my beer, wash up and go;
you can take your time with the beer, watch a dvd, stay and ill be back at 11o'clock;
that's what im going to do;
i stay.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

We don't always get to choose what we love

又是临时的约; 晚餐糟糕极了; 你说我打扰着你; "r u so happy to see me or what?"; 见到你我是真高兴虽然一如往常我没有说; pasta太硬; 加错调味料; 肉片给烧焦; 我俩又好气又好笑; 你看着我; 我看出来你很累也说得并不多; 我想是因为工作的关系; 所以我只是乖乖地静静地坐在你的身旁拉着你的手轻轻说:"i miss u."

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I can resist anything but temptation

talk time: 6.44; 我高兴得像什么一样; 好想念你;我们都不常见面了;你就是不能听我的。

Monday, June 22, 2009

Life is consciousness

Your horoscope for June 20, 2009 - There could be a great deal of f riction in your world today, YP, as stubborn minds come into conflict with each other in an aggressive manner. Be careful of how you treat others, for feelings are likely to be hurt if you are not sensitive in terms of where you point your stinger. Others may look tough, but deep down they are just as soft as you are. Think twice about using your aggressive nature at the expense of others.

Your horoscope for June 21, 2009 - Remember that the more tightly you try to hang on to something, YP, the more likely it will naturally want to slip through your fingers. Grab hold of what you want, but don't squeeze too hard. An important balance must be maintained between showing someone you care by taking him or her under your wing, yet allowing him or her freedom to be his or her own person. Sensitive feelings are operating today so proceed with care.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The smallest good deed is better than the grandest good intention

u will reason everyone out and get them to stand by your side;
leaving me all along at the other side of the river;
watching all these times drifting away;
in silent.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Undoubtedly, we become what we envisage


and this too shall pass.......

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Choose your pleasures for yourself, and do not let them be imposed upon you

1 missed call; 出乎意料之外; 是你拨打错误抑或你是真的打电话给我; 取得证实后更加显得毫不在乎; 已经没有什么话好说了; 你还渴求些什么呢?我的爱?我的思念?我的同情?我的怜悯?我的记忆? 我没有再想你; 完全没有;你不值!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The end result of kindness is that it draws people to you

在这一个我自己独一无二的世界里; 我自在; 然而和大多数人的交往里我总不由自主想着你; 我放不下; 不是我不愿; 而是我不能; 我认识我自己; 我放纵自己宁愿独自活在一个只有你的世界里。

Monday, June 15, 2009

Always and never are two words you should always remember never to use

you dont have anything u obsess about?
are you alwaz this good?
not alwaz, just sometimes;
what if i just cant love conventionally; what do i do?
it's just that u have more reasons and it seems more possible for you to hate me now;
no, never.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Live forever or die in the attempt.


Saturday, June 13, 2009

All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.

Here I Am, Everyday,
Since You Said, You'd Come Again,
But It's Not Fair, Cos You're Not Here,
I Wait In Vain, But Nothing Has Chaaanged,

I'm A Flower, Soaking In The Rain,
If I Could Wish One Thing, I'd Hear You Call My Name,

So When Will I See Your Face Again,
When Will You Touch My Life Again (ohh yeah),
When Will I Breathe You In Again (ha),
I Think I Love Youuu...Will I See Your Face Again,

Little Thing, Like The Rain Coming,
She Looked At Me A Certain Kind Of Way,
Tell Me Girl, Where Are You Nowww,
'Cos I Don't Know How Much Longer I can Waaait,

I'm A Dreamer, Waiting For The Sun,
When You're Coming In, I know My Life's Begun,
Tell Me Girl...

When Will I See Your Face Again (ohh yeaaah),
When Will You Touch My Life Again (ummm um),
When Will I Breathe You In Again,
I Think I Love Youuu, Will I See Your Face Again,

You Know That All My Life I've Been Waaaiting,
Waiting For Sooome, Someone Like You To Love Me,
You Can't Come By Like An Angel, Into My Life,
And then Fly Awaaaay, Flyyyyyy Away,

Oh Honey, Cos I, Uh Baby, Ba Ba Doo Yeah, Ohh ohhhh,
Sing, I've Only Seen Youuu, Oh, I Said, Uh huh, I Said I Said, Yeah (woo)

When Will I See Your Face Again (I Wanna See You Once In My Life),
When Will You Touch My Life Again, (Wanna See You Twice In My Life),
When Will I Breathe You In Again (ohhh),
I Think I Love Youuu, Will I See Your Face Again,

I said, see Bap pa da doo ba ba (ohhh),
Bap Ba Doo Yeah, That's What We Do Yeaahhh (ohh),
When Will iii See Your Face Again My Friend,
Oh Yeah, I Think You Gotta Let Me Know Yeah,
Ohh Yeahhh...

Friday, June 12, 2009

Art has never been made while thinking of art

"working weekend im afraid"; as usual; you talking about things ahead; i never really ask; i dont care; first of all i am really just asking you what i wanted and not anything more; i have no hidden agenda; second of all you really outta change the way you think about me think about you; it's not the same anymore; i dont want to disturb you; thats really never my intention; i hope not become a distraction; at least in your life im not; i just want to leave you alone; like how you always wanted me to; no question; no relation; no promise; no concern; no commitment.

偷偷抽了一支烟; “你抽烟了?”; 你吻着我的时候这样说; “才一支”; “我没管你抽多少,只是不想你抽”; “生日快乐”; “谢谢”; “老了一岁怎样?”; “没怎样,这样才糟糕, 反而希望自己看来老了一岁,现在其实感觉没差”; 对于未来日子的顾虑如果你说没有应该都是骗人的; 但你我之间也就是确实存在着多番的犹豫和猜疑; 认真地想想也不是什么大不了的问题; 我爱你而你却不爱我;就这样而已。

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Let thy speech be short, comprehending much in a few words.

"tell me what can i do without you?"; "im sure you can do without"; "yes i know but i rather you be here with me"; i dont usually say what i think; i know what u think; glad that we're friends; with so much alike and nothing alike; being with each other in a totally contradicting way; i smile at your remarks like i always do; you appreciating little gesture; little little things that make up life; little little things that i cannot do without.

01:30; i see the light slowly fading away the morning that you wake up by my side; im leaving all these traces in ambiguous way; the truth is; i dont think i can face any reaction you have for me; not right in front of you; please let me have all the feelings i have for you mysteriously.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.

而你必须要知道的是;有一些事情真的不是一个人就能做到的; i just really really want you to know that; dont be sad and unhappy all by yourself; you are not alone; if you need me; i will be here; i will be, i promise.

a little insecure; never want to settle down; always feel the slightest of dissatisfaction; so comes questions; dont you miss being in a relationship, at all? dont you feel the need of being with someone, at all? do you miss her, at all?

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.

你问: "when is your next holiday?"; 是不是代表着什么呢? 你是在暗示着什么吗? 想和我去什么地方吗? 我就是这样; 遇到难过挫折拒绝;哪怕只是一次我就再也不会重犯; 我讨厌被“say no”的感觉; 我就是这样一个如此撒野的小孩; 怎样也不想错; 我宁愿不; 而你一次又一次的有意无意中让我藏有一丝丝的希望; 而我习以为常地将这一些小小的蛛丝马迹收起来不让它们滚成一个大雪球; 我还有自知之命还知道自己unqualified; 难过的自己知道就好; 你称赞我是一个勇敢的女孩应该出去看一看这一个世界、闯一闯; 但毕竟我也只是一个女孩; 只是想要体验和一个人在一起相依偎、彼此互相扶持的感觉; 怎么都这么难; 如果你给我足够的时间认真地去了解我; 你会发现我其实真的并不复杂; 我只是想对你很好很好很好; 就真的是这样;就够了。

i know lots of things have been bugging u lately and it's just easy to say :"oh yea, that's life"; to just move on; but life is not alwaz that easy; it's not suppose to be easy; it's not just that; i dunno, i don't want u to feel unhappy; that's all; i dont know what other way there is to bring you up; if being with u will fix it; i will be with you for always.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

As we grow old…the beauty steals inward.

funny conversation; once more; about life; about you; about me; i admire people who have courage; who willing to try new things; wanting to be different; dare to go after what they want; regardless of where and how old they are; on another hand at the same time im thinking; you are luckier than most; reaching the level you are now; probably after much struggle and hardship; being able to do things you like; no way back; im not such a person; im contented and im not ambitious; or i would say i am not courageous enough, i guess, this question alwaz come up when i look at you: what will i be doing when im your age? what would i want to do? i'll be the happiest human being having someone by my side; listening to me; holding my hand; sharing my thought; when im your age; but im not.

Friday, June 5, 2009

All progress is precarious, and the solution of one problem brings us face to face with another problem.

"i haven't changed, you know?"; i know, that's why i just let you babbling away; without interrupting you; i know i will never be; never be; i know; 儿童乐园餐厅你滔滔不绝在说着事; 我一如往常在听着; 工作啦; 政治啦; 内心的满足感; 很多的观点; 年龄的差距往往就会对事物造成一定的影响; 只是你不知道你暗地里对我造成的影响; "do u miss me sometimes?", 我微笑着。

Thursday, June 4, 2009

You have to know how to accept rejection and reject acceptance.

i saw a pool table; i miss you.


You have to know how to accept rejection and reject acceptance.

i saw a pool table; i miss you.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

When you cannot make up your mind which of two evenly balanced courses of action you should take - choose the bolder.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

You have to have confidence in your ability, and then be tough enough to follow through.

4.20; 堆积如山的工作; 你没有时间赴约; 同时间朋友到访; 你抽不出时间闲聊; 为什么还会牵挂着? 还是我其实已经放手了? 还期望着一些什么呢? 我只要你,就你, 其他的我都不稀罕、不稀罕!
