Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee and just as hard to sleep after.

连续几个星期天气变本加厉越来越热; ipod播放着一系列你调好的play list有好几首歌我都喜欢; 而你会常常突然间有的没有的问我那一段是什么歌词像是老师给pop quiz一样; 我又好气又好笑; 喝着啤酒聊起了你最新的广告概念; 你眉飞色舞地描述着你要如何拍摄这一个广告等等的; 说完总会问我:"what do you think?"; 我如常知道你一定会问而我亦如常只是给你一个蛮笼统的答案; “哦,好啊,可爱啊”; it's not like whatever i say is going to be able to help you much anyway, i appreciate that you appreciate my comment i really do, still that's all i have to say, coz whatever i like is not going to be the thing you like, so, let's be totally civilize about things. you have it your way and I'll have mine.

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