Sunday, May 31, 2009

Maturity is achieved when a person postpones immediate pleasures for long-term values.

When you make love to a woman you get revenge for all the things that defeated you in life.
everything starts to change when you realize that someone is someone you care about.
"i like older guy, they done experiencing and wont get up the next day realise that they're gay" - You Kill Me.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Love all, trust a few. Do wrong to none.

等了一天没有你的电话; 不是说不要再放任何希望了吗? 还是忍不住; 你不知道我为了你不快乐; 你不知道你让我不快乐; 我不知道你知道和不知道的还有什么; 我只知道我不能失去你; 真的不能失去你。

Friday, May 29, 2009

A friend is one who sees through you and still enjoys the view.

白色的墙; 黑色的桌椅; 深蓝色的灯; 黄色的装饰; 两杯mocktail; 我们不常来但却喜欢上这里的幽静; 不像一般bar或cafe;说话时不用喊的; 因为灯光的关系吧,我想; 他看着我对我说:“原来你的眼睛是深褐色的”; 他现在才发现; 还有10天是他的生日; 想要为他庆祝后才让他离开; “你什么时候走?”; “还不知道; 还有几个job在等通知”; 我希望你的job排到很久很久让你永远不离开; 我很自私; 我知道; “走的时候一定要告诉我”; “我有哪一个时候是没有告诉过你的?”; 我想了想的确没有; 因为我要和你说再见; 我要和你再见;再见。

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Forgiveness is one of the many horrible side effects of loving someone.

Your horoscope for May 28, 2009
The stars are pushing you to accept more responsibility in your life. In fact, you may not think you can do it, but everything will work out just fine. At the moment, you seem to have a special gift for leading other people, making decisions and doing whatever is necessary to finish up group projects. It's too bad. You really tend to underestimate yourself.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters.

you bother me; what did i do now?; nothing, i guess; same deal; 19:34; 聊了一下子的天; 近况、你的低音吉他、工作、税务等; 还是想见; 沙拉; 烤鸡;还是不用玻璃杯喝的啤酒; 站在楼梯间环抱着你; 熟悉的感觉; 我也是在想你的; 其实; 为你上班迟到也在所不惜; 要弄个早餐你也埋怨我为什么不说; 我没有变过; 对你还是那么的小心翼翼; you are my precious; 我知道那样说很俗但你是; 原本回家乡的计划因为工作的缘故延迟了; 我只希望你能待到让我和你庆祝了生日才走; 那一件原本想在你生日那天才做的事提早发生了; 你的长发现在这个长度最好; 你一直很留意我; 我发觉到; 多穿穿高跟鞋啊那才像个女孩; 我要再将头发弄直一点儿;现在不直吗?别弄,这样才好看!; 希望你为我重新拍摄一系列的照片,你给我很多建议; 很多我都很喜欢的建议; you dont actually have to do much to show that you care, i get it, i really do; i know you enough to know that you like it enough, is that enough?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half sorrow.

“有时真的不相信认识你已经3年了”; 吃着晚饭的时候你突然间这样说; 我不知道你希望我对这一段话有什么样的反应; “时间过得真快”; 我笑了笑继续用餐; “最近我想了很多,关于你和我的”; 我应该高兴吗?“我不想再一个人了”; 我放下碗筷看着你; “我知道,你很惊讶吧”; 因为一直来你都是一个人的我们都习惯了以这样的方式在一起我不知道是什么改变了你; 一时间我不知所措; “是我做了什么吗?”; 直觉直接联系到自己身上; “不,你没有做错什么; 你对我很好,太好了,所以我的想法改变了”; 我应该高兴, 我很高兴, 你把手伸过来轻轻抚摸着我的; “没有变的是和我在一起,就这样在一起,我不能够给你任何承诺; 我知道我这样做很自私; 你可以选择离开,我不会怪你; 但是我知道你是我最在乎疼惜的, 我不会辜负你”; 就这样决定了; 我从来不曾如此的确定; 我爱你;此时此刻。

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses.

really, when 2 people r truly in love and they're together nothing seems to be more important than that.

i dont remember since when you become an important part of my life.

Friday, May 22, 2009

It's not about the writing. It's about the feelings behind the words.

talk time 05:03.............casually chit-chatting; guess we missed each other over the week and you feel the need in catching up; you talked about wanting to take up a course and study; some of your work and more; you said you will keep me in the loop from now on; then i will be looking forward to hear from you; from now on...........

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Write down the advice of him who loves you, though you like it not at present.

很真实地藏着一种思念; 不是那种不去想就以为你会慢慢把它忘掉的那一种; 远远就看见了你走过来; 从来我都是一直对你特别留意的; 你戴着一条项链; “谁送的?”; “你吃醋!”; “才没!”; “没有看你戴过”; “新的,生日礼物, 好看吗?”; “不好看”; 我很诚实;对你我一向来都是这样; 我觉得没有什么好隐瞒的; 我其实什么都告诉你但太多时候你并没有问起我来所以我就以为你不想知道然后没有说; 再说我曾经听说过要留住双子座的心最好要保留一些神秘感;如果你让他们很了解你那么他们就不会再对你有兴趣了; 我不知道是真是假但我对你保持着一定的距离那是真的。

掌握好沟通这一门学问还可真不容易呢? 三年了; 我不敢说对你了解很深很深但认识你的程度依照我自己的话去说也还可算是深交了但又却还没有到知己那种; 人说soulmate灵魂伴侣; 你的降临有触动了我的灵魂; 而我可否能够触动你让你给我一个机会与你相依在此时一相比之下真的已经显得不太重要了; 其实到底什么最重要呢? 和你能够就这样在一起对我来说最重要。

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

No man ever listened himself out of a job.

"breakfast?" ; 不用说很多话短短贴心的问候就够了;我在想; 你喜欢和我在一起和我的年龄有没有直接的关系; 如果我年轻一点或老一点;你还会好像现在一样这样喜欢我吗?

“我喝了冰箱里的啤酒,你不介意吧?”; “不然你以为那些啤酒我是买给谁喝的,就你呀!”; 我笑了; “你不在的时候其实我都没有泡咖啡”;“哦”;“ 嗯,因为很懒, 都是你宠坏了我”; 不知不觉我原来为你做了很多事; 而你也理所当然似的让我做着这一些事;就让我宠着你吧, 反正可能我们能在一起的时间也不多了; 我答应了自己要对你很好很好很久很久。

Monday, May 18, 2009

We are inclined to believe those whom we do not know because they have never deceived us.

你喜欢我一些细眉细眼的东西、言谈、举止、发音,有时很可笑; 但我却很享受这一切的一切; 像是觉得我占了一些优势; 其实你也有可能已经发觉到我很狡猾; 三年了; 都是累积起来的; 我把我的声音动作气味不着痕迹地留了下来; 让你潜意识里有意无意的就会想起我来; 有什么你看见之后会立刻想起我的呢? 我没有答案;但是我猜一定会有的; 就像那盏灯一样; 在你床头那盏黄蓝绿色的熔岩灯。

Sunday, May 17, 2009

There is no good lighting that is healthy and for our well being without proper darkness.

你说你还是在想着那一个小故事; 而我说这些事情如果你没有依照计划去做你就不会去做了。

It has all been very interesting.

曾几何时;我忘了; 到了爱情这一关卡; 越是接近现实真相的时候我越想逃!

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler.

“growing old is a terrible thing”; i never tell you this but if you let me to: i want to grow old with you; hold your hands; be with you; look after you; do things we like to do; do things you like to do; sitting quietly beside you; listen to you; accepting the fact that you will be gone before me; to spend how ever much time you have left with you gracefully; pleasing you; loving you; that is only if you let me to and i never tell you all this; i hope one day i could.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

There's always one who loves and one who lets himself be loved.

在电梯碰见了你远远就喊着:“好久都没见啦,好巧,今晚就吃个饭”; 就这样约定了; 餐桌上谈着很多聊着近况等; 说着说着原来你还在对之前发生的一件事耿耿于怀; 我笑笑说着没什么; 从你看我的眼神我知道我们之间暧昧的关系会有所改变; 我们想的都一样; 都是成年人了; 知道应该和不应该做什么; 知道责任是什么; 要发生的是什么; 不必要说的是什么; no string attach; as simple as that; 就这样说好; 就这样要开始了; 就这样。
为了之前的约会迟到了25分钟; 想罢应该是第4、5次看你演出的缘故并没有特别用心; 只是很慵懒的坐在一旁喝着饮料听歌完全忘记了自己原本的任务是要帮你拍照的; 心里面也还想着一些别的; 你照常过来打招呼; 凌晨1点多钟终于散场; 大伙儿走的走说再见的说再见; 我因为忘记了停车场的方向只好和你就慢慢从别一个方向走去找车子; “很喜欢你穿这一条牛仔裤, 把你苗条的身形都显示出来了”; 我就知道你会赞我的; 我沾沾自喜; 就像今天一样; 很多事都像是我预料好似的; 其实无形中我已经蛮有把握的去猜你想的做的大概是什么而通常我的直觉都很准确; 有一整天的时间就去了和那一次相同的地方; 也同样迷路出错; 想到都觉得好笑; 一路上你聊着你乐队的事情; 些许的不满但因为要顾全大局很多时候就是不能尽如您意; 人生嘛就是这样一个样; 午餐时候在一家小馆点了菜吃着看见一位老婆婆就突然间聊起了老去是怎么一回事; 你满是感慨; 人到了某个阶段其实内心想法无可避免会偏灰吧; 我笑你很cynical; 你也承认生活如此没有办法; 看见你满脸无奈我心疼了; 但你终究没有告诉我你内心世界真正向往的幸福快乐到底是什么; 我也没有问因为我知道如果你所追求的幸福快乐里没有我的存在的话我想我是会崩溃的; 你还是没有说的好; 我只是知道你并不是真正的快乐; 我也是一样; 然后继续上路走着走着就到了目的地; 凉凉的微风吹来却吹不走之前那一股淡淡的忧伤; 坐在湖边静静欣赏着景色; “im not really a person who appreciates great landscape, i guess”; “but still it's something so nice to do when you can get away from the city and come to a place like this once in a while to enjoy the beauty of it”; 之后就又谈起了摄影的事; 你对我说的每一句话都是赞美都是鼓励都成为一股无形的推动力; 我看着你笑笑然后你轻轻的吻了我; “i like you for being so sensible”; “i rather be silly, silly makes people laugh”; “but it wont be long”; “so u will not hang out with me if im only silly?”; “luckily u r not, that's why i like you.”

Friday, May 15, 2009

No bird soars too high, if he soars with his own wings.

“那年你20岁,是和他吗?”; “嗯,很多年前的事了”; 你有时会有意无意问我一些; 让我感觉到你想进入我的生活多一些; 想认识我更深一些; there's always this brief moment that makes me realize that you are not after something sustainable; you do not tend to pursuit after something, at least not for long term; 这一些都是我自己在猜; 自己在猜; 唯一能够确定的是我已经完全成为你生命中其中一页的主角了; im not the main highlight, i don't want to and i never will be; im this tiny little person, remember? a person that is so abnormal and so dysfunction yet when mix with you becomes this absolutely normal and functional person staying beside you making sensible sense ninety percent of the time; thus at times i rather lost and talking totally bullshit so that i dont have to take whatever misery and agony u r giving me.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Misquotations are the only quotations that are never misquoted.

“你知道其实你对我很重要吗?”; 六点钟我拿着背包正准备着回家;电话响; “想你了,我今天练习陪我去好吗?”; 为你我推了原本已约好了和家人的晚餐约会; 你对我也是重要的; 我不想错过任何一个能够和你在一起的机会; 聊起摄影、家人、上个星期的婚礼; 本来不想陪你去练习的念头突然间改变了; 坐在studio里面拿着摄影机猛拍; 过瘾; 我没有想过和你在一起的日子会很久很久尤其是我们年纪上的差距还有我们目标上的不相同; 过程当中我真真正正的明白到勉强没有幸福的道理; 是你的始终会是你的; 又再一次提到剧本的事我还是很过意不去一直道歉; “你不用道歉我没有怪你只是说你应该读我剧本的final version而已”; “如果你觉得不舒服你可以不给我看”; “我只将它给我最亲的人,我弟弟,你,我的两个好朋友,还有两个搞戏剧的朋友看过”; “噢”; “所以我不想你只是看过了就算我要你详细地让我知道我的剧本到底好不好”; 你知道吗? 在不知不觉中我们竟然不期然而然地将彼此的份量逐渐慢慢在心里加重了; 你可能并没有特别感觉到我们之间那股彼此想要放开对方却又在最后一分钟再一次抓紧彼此的感觉; 所以我对每一次能够相聚的机会特别珍惜; 人生真的很玄妙; 不是吗? 你不是不能够没有我; 而我也不是不能够没有你; 但我们就是这样沉醉在这一个距离当中; am i making sense at all? i really dont know; 但是亲爱的我只能在这里轻轻说一声爱你。

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee and just as hard to sleep after.

连续几个星期天气变本加厉越来越热; ipod播放着一系列你调好的play list有好几首歌我都喜欢; 而你会常常突然间有的没有的问我那一段是什么歌词像是老师给pop quiz一样; 我又好气又好笑; 喝着啤酒聊起了你最新的广告概念; 你眉飞色舞地描述着你要如何拍摄这一个广告等等的; 说完总会问我:"what do you think?"; 我如常知道你一定会问而我亦如常只是给你一个蛮笼统的答案; “哦,好啊,可爱啊”; it's not like whatever i say is going to be able to help you much anyway, i appreciate that you appreciate my comment i really do, still that's all i have to say, coz whatever i like is not going to be the thing you like, so, let's be totally civilize about things. you have it your way and I'll have mine.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Never give a party if you will be the most interesting person there.

那天你没有说一句话就走了出去一个晚上; 而我坐在窗边根本想不出我是不是做错了什么; 怎么可以就这样什么都不说; “我只是想一个人静一下”; 你回来后就只丢下这句话; “each one person is accountable for something and i want you to be my accountability”; 我从来没有想过你会这样说;“我们这样在一起不是好好的吗?” ; “but i want more than this”; 为什么会这样突其而来有这样的勇气; 你不会说的; 你就是这样一个人; 一直是这样; 如今你在我面前却显得这么的渺小懦弱害怕; “i dont want to lose you”; 原来你也只不过是一个人 - it's ok to be a little fucked up once in a while in your life.

Facts are facts and will not disappear on account of your likes.

i have something to say, i forgot what it is.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

One should count each day a separate life.

又是临时约的晚餐; 都免疫了; 一点儿介意都没有; 你说你爱上了这一个地方; 原来你计划要留在这里; 想要把这里当成家了; 想着要买房子啦、打算自己做生意等等的; and i really wonder am i a part of your plan, however small it is?

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Be modest! It is the kind of pride least likely to offend.

我清楚知道我的去向; 我在寻找着一个迷宫; 想要一直迷失在当中。

A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies.

我很惊讶; 你告诉我我们第一次相遇的经过; 你竟然记得; everytime with you it feels like the first time; 那时候你才刚从巴黎回来; 我们约好然后我等着; 远远就看见了你; 穿着t-shirt牛仔裤;荡来荡去最后到我家看dvd; 你连我们看了什么电影都记得一清二楚; 我真是想不到; 每一次你都把你的头发盘起来; 那天你把绑着的长发放开来; 因为你将头发绑太紧的缘故; 长发放下后呈波浪型真好看; 那是三年前的事了; 好久了; 后来我才发现原来你的事我真的知道的不多; 因为你从来没有问我也没有说; 我现在开始想问了我希望不会太迟。

it pleases me to please you;
that's my weakest weakness;
i know i can get over you when i can get over my weakness;
but what would it takes to be not wanting to please you, anymore?

Friday, May 8, 2009

Nothing is too small to know, and nothing is too big to attempt.

you dont like change plan at all, do you?; you silent; hey, i dont like it anymore than you do, ok? nobody does; sometimes things happen; i thought im stubborn; i thought im the persistent one; at the end i compromise; at least i try.

你才刚下机; 在的士里; 你传来短讯; 三则; 就一句话; 我觉得你不再可爱了; 就这么一句话。

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mistakes are the portals of discovery.

已经不再喜欢年纪相仿的男孩; 觉得他们没趣; 和你分享最多的大概是音乐和电影; 你说你以前是一个很闷的人;只听自己喜欢的音乐类型; 很少转变; 是近年来的事你发觉不同音乐的丰富性; 听得更多获得的也更多; 你很高兴自己来得及转变; 对我你会由喜欢变成爱吗? 需要很长时间吗? 我疑惑。
ST, 谢谢你让我认识了一个懂事的你; 你和一般年轻的小孩不一样; 你总是玩笑着但却认真知道自己要做的是什么; 让人更加对你有所疼惜; 要记住- 你跟别人不一样,永远不会一样!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I trust that everything happens for a reason, even when we're not wise enough to see it.

one mistake leads to disconnection; i begin to realize; my mind can not help but keep thinking about you; words flowing thru my mind; sensuality strikes in; curiosity never ends; intriguing questions continue; are you really into me? or are you just fooling around? playing a game? distance is always a killer; willing to submit myself to you; making commitment; thinking about plan; long way to go; no time to waste; stop the speculation; put words into action; back to such cliche; somehow just need a good reason why; just one good reason why.
you know darn well; i always do; i know; what is wrong with me; am i being too straight forward; do you hate me being myself; why did you do that to me; ignoring me; making me sad.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Once in a while you have to take a break and visit yourself.

1 message unread ; “今晚我有练习,要来我这随便吃个晚餐吗?”; “有啤酒我一定来”; 我俩都很随意的就这样了; “来了就会有啦!”; 我忘记了原来从某个时候开始我已经不再去追究你爱不爱我这一个问题了; “不要骗我!”; 想起以前自己对你不顾一切又一厢情愿的那种感觉; 一头栽进这一个以为和你在一起就是相爱着的世界里真傻; “你早到了耶!”; “嗯,路上没有塞车” ; “晚餐好了吗?”; “在煮着还要大概45分钟”; 你走过来环抱着我的腰轻轻吻着我; “还有时间来做点什么吧!”; 你就是常常这样让我总以为每一次的相见你对我会加深感觉; 有意无意地在拖着和我在一起的时间; “头发好长了,剪刘海, 好吗?”; “不要,像傻孩子一样”; “看来比较年轻啊”; “现在不年轻了吗?”; “想再年轻一点儿”; “别剪,就这样, 很性感”; 我笑了; 我永远都希望见你久一些,要你疼爱我多一些; “今晚留在这里”; 我看着你些许的惊讶; “不是要练习吗?”; 因为这是你第一次要我留下; “就是想要你今晚留在这里,好吗?”; 在我和你的相处字典里没有不可以这三个字;“you are not a bad company, you should know that by now”; 你实在比我孩子气多了有时我不敢相信; 我试着不露痕迹地想看出一点点端倪来; 为你泡好了的咖啡; 玩笑着; 在看你;“what?”; “nothing”; 就这样看着雨一直在下; 而我希望这一场雨永远不会停下来,永远不停下来。

Monday, May 4, 2009

I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.

我真的没有发觉到你所受的伤害; 直到现在; 我不知道你究竟在找什么; 我站在你身边干着急却帮不上忙; 他们告诉我你就是这个样我不必太在意; 我怎么可能不去在意呢; 你是我最最在乎的; 就算我什么都失去了; 我知道我还有你我能在乎; 那种歇斯底里害怕的感觉你不会懂得; 我看着你没有说话我不知道我和你已经到了这一个无言以对的地步; 我真的没有发觉到你所受的伤害; 直到现在。