Monday, April 27, 2009

Intimacy is being seen and known as the person you truly are.

one small miscommunication due to pronunciation; little mistake makes us learn; you want to be proper; you say never again; you say it's still a long way; i sense your frustration; i hope you are making progress; i hope you are slowly achieving your dream; being your little helper doing as best as i can.

有时候放下自己想想; 世界不属于你; 没有了你它还是会转; 太执着何必? 在车龙里给人打尖; 排着队给人插位; 戏院里人在讲话; 餐厅点错菜; 但是我不会诅咒人; 不会骂脏话; 不会不中指; 我不是在称赞自己有内涵; 我其实也没有比别人好;我承认对外人的包容度比对家人高, 可能是我对我自己疼爱的人比较有要求的关系吧, 不然我还真懒得理你, 但有些事真的是不必动气的; 有时候别人会为你骂人; 有时候自己在心里暗骂 (当然此举于事无补); 就对自己说只此一次,下不为例。 就这样。

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