Monday, March 16, 2009

Abnormal is so common, it's practically normal.

let's give up, ok? i dont want to give you false impression that something might happen;
to be honest with you, i dont think we stand a chance, right from the beginning; but you insisted, thats why i played along until now;
i already foresee this coming;
both of us;
instead of giving up we drag along;
for the sick fun of it;
so now let's just be clear and get out of this;
for good, permanently.

电话响了5声; “喂,几点啦?”; 听到他懒洋洋被吵醒的声音她笑了; “4点,我睡不着”; “想怎样?”; “陪我聊天到我睡着”............每个人心中都有过这样一段浪漫而又遥远的曾经; 而后的你在想为什么他就不再浪漫了呢? 他也抑或会想她怎么不再善解人意了呢? 那天随意的你在沙发上躺着;我在喝着啤酒; “要吗?”; 你摇着头伸手把我拉到你怀里; “我没用你的点子”; “什么?”; “记得吗?那天我要你帮我想想的广告campaign”; “哦,那个”; “不要紧呐,你用我才怪呢?”; “点子不错但总觉得已被人用过似的”; 说实话真的不打紧然后你迫不及待告诉我你全部的idea我听着; “怎样? 要present哪一个好?”; 可是你知道吗? 我总觉得你是已经作了决定的但你却一味坚持要听取我的意见令我有一刹那间的犹豫和一点儿的不知所措;应该开心吗?还是难过呢? 我往往就是那么复杂。

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